Dmitry Slabko
2007-12-19 08:24:04 UTC
Hello All,
After installing the December update on RAD Studio Enterprise all my
Blackfish apps do not run anymore - it seems the update erased or
misplaced the license file: "You have reached the maximum connection
count (0) for this license. No more connections are allowed." Though
connecting to Blackfish in the IDE goes fine.
Any suggestions?
Best regards,
The problem is solved - run LicenseManager and importedAfter installing the December update on RAD Studio Enterprise all my
Blackfish apps do not run anymore - it seems the update erased or
misplaced the license file: "You have reached the maximum connection
count (0) for this license. No more connections are allowed." Though
connecting to Blackfish in the IDE goes fine.
Any suggestions?
Best regards,
BlackfishSQL.slip. Though it is worth fixing the update code.